
A Simulation Framework for DVFS-capable Multi-Core Real-Time Systems




System Requirements

Any OS that supports Java JRE/JDK 1.8.

User Guide

1. Using a web browser to connect the official website of MCRTsim (
2. At the “Download” section ( on the bottom of the homepage), click the link “MCRTsim v2.8” to download the latest version of MCRTsim. It will be automatically forwarded to the webpage of MCRTsim on GitHub. Just click the “Clone or download” button to download it as a ZIP file and unzip it. Note that you can also obtain the latest version of MCRTsim by using “git clone” command.

3. Go to the folder that contains the unzip MCRTsim. Input the following commands:

java -jar MCRTsim/dist/MCRTsim2.8.jar

If everything goes well, the main windows of MCRTsim will show on your desktop, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The user interface of MCRTsim.
Figure 1: The user interface of MCRTsim.

4. Now, you can use MCRTsim to perform a simulation. Some example setting files have been provided so that you can run MCRTsim with those setting files. Please follows the following steps to run a testing example.

5. The first step is to set the workload definition file. Please click “Open File…” button (the labelled 1 in Figure 1). A file choosing dialog will appear as shown in Figure 2. Please choose the file ‘Single-Core Scheduling Example/workload.xml’.
Figure 2: The file choosing dialog.
Figure 2: The file choosing dialog.

6. The second step is to set the processor definition file. Please click “Open File…” button (the labelled 2 in Figure 1). A file choosing dialog will appear and please choose the file ‘Single-Core Scheduling Example/processor.xml’.

7. The third step is to determine the scheduling and synchronization approaches that we are going to evaluated. Since we have choose the processor.xml file from our example for single core platform, it is only allowed to use the single-core scheduling algorithms as well as single-core synchronization protocols. Therefore, the settings of ‘Partition Algorithm’ is ‘None’, the ‘DVFS Method’ is ‘MaxSpeed’, the ‘Scheduling Algorithm’ is ‘EDF’, and the ‘Synchronization Protocol’ is ‘SRP’. Please refer to Figure 1 labelled 3. Note that different setting of processor could interfere the settings of, i.e., single-core scheduling/synchronization approaches only work for a single-core processor while multi-core approaches only work for multi-core processor.

8. Now, you can start the experiment! Just press ‘Start’ (the label 4 in Figure 1). When the experiment completes, a results dialog with the details of the results will be shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: The simulation results.
Figure 3: The simulation results.

9.If you need more details, just press ‘draw’ (the label 5 in Figure 1) to show the visualized results as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The visualized results.
Figure 4: The visualized results.

guide.txt · 上一次變更: 2022/03/30 16:58 (外部編輯)